Day Five (of Seven)

Nancy Colasurdo
2 min readDec 22, 2020

I frequently use writing prompts in my teaching and coaching. In fact, when the pandemic lockdown began in the Northeast, I had a regular weekly group and later developed a course under the umbrella of Prompted Expression. In the spirit of sparking my own creativity and getting ideas for my students and clients, I’ve decided to write from a prompt for seven consecutive days and share the results. The prompts are from a deck of cards called Actually Curious.

Writing Prompt Five: How do you find fulfillment?

Writing and experiencing others’ creativity.

Any day my head hits the pillow and I’ve written, I feel fulfilled. Also, if it’s a day where I’ve appreciated someone else’s creative endeavors.

It’s clear in how I spend my time and how I’ve arranged my life. On most days, there is some combination of these:

~ Writing

~ Coaching someone in a creative pursuit

~ Editing someone’s words

~ Admiring art in a museum or gallery

~ Watching a documentary about visual artists, actors, writers, dancers, musicians, etc. (and of course the documentary itself is someone’s art)

~ Teaching myself to use a new app or skill that will enhance my creativity

~ Teaching others to explore creative writing

~ Admiring the Great Creator’s work on morning walks along the Hudson River

Staying true to this formula brings me not just fulfillment, but purpose and happiness.

Up next … read Day Six (of Seven).



Nancy Colasurdo

Activist Journalist, Opinion Writer, Author, Life Coach in Greater NYC area. Occasional guest columnist at Six-word bio: Zen chick with a Jersey edge.