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Some Perspective on Marianne Williamson
Let me get the obvious out of the way — Marianne Williamson will not be President of the United States. She will not be the Democratic nominee. Period. So let’s all relax.
That said, it doesn’t mean there’s not plenty to unpack here.
Every day I wear a silver band ring on my right hand. On it are these words:
She leaves the rest to God
This is primarily because of what I learned from reading the work of Marianne Williamson and seeing her speak roughly five times in New York City. In her book A Return to Love, Williamson writes about the importance of surrender. It’s either that, she says, or we can “grab and clutch and manipulate.” She likens it to opening the oven door when the bread is trying to bake. Trust the oven to do its job. That’s thoughtful and it spoke to the control freak in me.
While many of us have a world view, Williamson has a universal one. She is not about a Band-Aid on your stubbed toe; she is more likely going to cycle back and look at what circumstances or forces led to ground meeting toe in just that way and what it means big picture and if the stubbed toe experience has served you as a human being somehow.
This is why we heard what we heard from her in the CNN Democratic Debate last night. She was surrounded by people — any of…